Massage & Reiki
Signature Bodywork Services Waiting For You
Aromatherapy included with all massage services upon request.
30 min - 60 min, $50 - $90
Rei, meaning "God's Wisdom or The Higher Power", and Ki, meaning "Life Force Energy". Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique which focuses on balancing the body, mind, and soul through energy work. Reiki healing sessions are performed by a Master Reiki Practitioner with the utmost consideration for support, comfort, and privacy. Reiki is truly a gift we are blessed to share with you.

Deep Tissue Massage
30 min - 120 min, $60 - $220
Helps to remove adhesions in the sublayers of muscle and connective tissue that cause tension and restrictions in movement.

Thai Massage
60 min - 120 min, $110 - $220
Best described as "lazy man's yoga", this is an ancient technique from Thailand. Energy lines called "sen" are worked by a variety of presses and stretches. The recipient is fully clothed, and oils may be used lightly only on the feet. Thai Massage opens the joints, loosens the body, and expands the diaphragm. You will feel lighter and refreshed!
*Wear comfortable, loose fitting, workout type clothing for this service.*
60 min - 120 min, $110 - $220
Translates to "foot pressure". A smooth, broadening massage using long strokes with the feet, compression, and back walking. Pressure can be adjusted from medium to very heavy, so it is suitable for almost everyone. This massage is very soothing and although the pressure can be modified greatly, this modality is not recommended for those who prefer a lighter touch.

60 min - 120 min, $110 - $220
This is a combination of Ashiatsu and Thai Massage customized during each session based on the recipient's need. Broad strokes with the feet are used to warm and compress the tissues, Thai massage stretches open the sen, muscles, and joints, and body walking tops it off for the ultimate bodywork session.
Hot Stone Massage
60 min - 120 min, $110 - $235
Basalt stones are heated to the perfect temperature to nourish muscles and melt away any tension and stress. You'll feel balanced and rested within a warm and welcoming environment.

Cold Stone Massage
60 min - 120 min, $110 - $235
Cold stones promote relaxation and revitalize the mind and body. They constrict the blood vessels in the body which alleviates swelling, helps lymph flow, and promotes healing. Cold stones are especially beneficial for inflammation and accompanying pain.
Warm Bamboo Massage
60 min - 120 min, $125 - $235
Smoothly polished bamboo is warmed to the perfect temperature and used in long, broadening strokes to coax out tension.

Cupping Treatment
30min - 60 min, $75 - $125
Cupping uses negative pressure via suction to loosen muscles and encourage blood flow. It is used to relieve pain and stiffness in muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite. Cupping sedates the nervous system making it an excellent choice for those with high blood pressure. This sedation is also very relaxing, many customers fall asleep during the treatment.
Thai Herbal Compress Massage
60 min - 120 min, $130 - $245
The healing practice of Thai herbal compress therapy dates back nearly 5,000 years. This herbal therapy was designed to soothe muscle aches, relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation. The compress traditionally consists of a mixture of several herbs, most containing the six basic herbs as a base: lemongrass, prai (or plai), turmeric, kaffir lime, camphor and tamarind.
Also offered as an herbal hydrotherapy treatment using steam inhalation followed by a face massage with acupressure and lymphatic drainage.

Maternity Massage
30 min - 120 min, $60 - $220
Swedish massage focusing on the promotion of relaxation, stress relief, reducing swelling, and relieving muscle aches and joint pains.
Americanpregnancy.org: "Hormone regulation
Studies done in the past 10 years have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered when massage therapy is introduced to women’s prenatal care. This leads to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health.
In women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (hormones associated with stress) were reduced, and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression)."
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
30 min - 90 min, $75 - $210
Gentle pumping techniques are used to mimic the natural rhythm of the body's lymphatic system to stimulate the movement of lymph fluid. MLD also activates the parasympathetic nervous system which naturally reduces stress hormones, increases detoxification, and boosts the immune system.
MLD is beneficial for tension, pain, muscle and joint injuries, arthritis, sinus issues, fatigue, surgery preparation, post-surgical edema, reduction in swelling, overall detoxification, and lymphedema management, to name a few. This technique is holistic, non-invasive, and extremely soothing.
Post-Cosmetic MLD:
MLD works in tandem with garments for optimal Post-Cosmetic Surgery results. It is a best practice to reduce the chance of fibrosis and help speed healing. MLD sessions should be booked once surgery has been scheduled to ensure appointments are available. Sessions are generally 2-3 times per week, tapering off over the course of several weeks. Treatment plans are individualized and vary based on stage of healing. Please contact us to build a recovery plan. We are happy to help you achieve your best results.

Lymphedema Classes
Cancer treatment and cancer related surgery are a leading cause of Lymphedema. We have partnered with Unstoppable Joy Co. to bring awareness to lymphedema prevention, identification, and treatment. We hope to answer any questions you may have, as well as bring insight to this progressive disease.
This class also covers Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), which is an excellent treatment for surgical and traumatic edema and lymphedema. Warriors are encouraged to bring a caregiver along so MLD can be administered on a regular basis in the home.
Class is held once a month on Saturdays at 10 a.m.